A refactoring story; Protocols, Keychain & More

This is a bit of a random post about re-factoring some code that I wrote 16 months ago that was terrible, and ended up pretty happy with it.

This week at work I helped my colleague refactor a very small part of a cients’ app - some code that I’d written 16 months prior that I knew needed attention. The goal was to add an App extension to the app, which involved refactoring the code that handles the OAuthToken in order to allow the extension to access it via a shared keychain.

When we sat down and looked at the problem, we identified the following that we would aim for:

  • Migrate the keychain usage to a shared keychain
  • Remove a singleton that stored the AccessToken
  • Ensure there is one data store that both the App & Today Widget can share an OAuthAccessToken for their API requests
  • Add some tests

To give you an idea of where we started, the APIClient looked like this:

final class APIClient {

    /// The `OAuthAccessToken` to use for authenticated requests.
    public var accessToken: OAuthAccessToken? = nil {
        didSet {
            if let accessToken = accessToken {
                let account = AccountManager.sharedInstance.account?.accountWithAccessToken(accessToken)
                AccountManager.sharedInstance.account = account
            } else {
                AccountManager.sharedInstance.account = nil
    public init(accessToken: OAuthAccessToken? = nil) {
        self.accessToken = accessToken

The APIClient used this accessToken to add the authorisation headers to any outgoing requests. Inside the didSet it also creates an Account which ‘saves’ it in the AccountManager.

One of the problems that we’d have when both the App and the Today Widget instantiated their own APIClient is the tokens becoming invalid after refreshing them. They would get out of sync as the token is not read from the same location, being an instance variable.

We found that there was one gotcha that wasn’t clear with this code. If you initialise an APIClient using init(accessToken: nil), you’d half expect AccountManager.sharedInstance.account to equal nil. This assumption is wrong, and looking into the Swift docs, willSet & didSet observers are not called during initialization of the property. Turned out that we didn’t understand this behaviour, and it somehow allowed the logic in the app to work! There were points in the lifecycle where the local variable in the APIClient was different to the Account stored in the singleton, and it was partly due to this! That was a confusing hour or so figuring that out, and re-affirmed our belief that this needed refactoring.

There was Account model, which consists of a name & the OAuthToken, there was a singleton that stored the account that was used around the app, there were multiple places where instances of this Account model lived. It was near impossible to test & it was a mess.

Removing the Singleton

In order to remove the AccountManager singleton, we decided to define a Swift Protocol. This would have the same interface as the singleton so we can swap it out with minimal hassel.

protocol AccountProvider {    
    var account: Account? { get set }

struct Account {
    let name: String?
    let accessToken: OAuthToken

And now we can replace the accessToken with our new AccountProvider protocol in the APIClient:

final class APIClient {

    public let accountProvider: AccountProvider

    public init(accountProvider: AccountProvider? = nil) {
        self.accountProvider = accountProvider

Now we’ve made a generic AccountProvider who’s job it is to provide get & set access to an Account. Let’s make an AccountProvider that will persists the Account in a KeyValue store.

protocol KeyValueStoreType {
    func setValue(value: String?, for key: String)
    func get(for key: String) -> String?

final class KeyValueAccountProvider: AccountProvider {
    let store: KeyValueStoreType
    public init(store: KeyValueStoreType) {
        self.store = store
    public var account: Account? {
        get { return self.fetchAccount() }
        set { self.saveAccount(newValue) }

    private func fetchAccount() -> Account? {
        // Code to load the account from the keychain

    private func saveAccount(account: Account?) {
        // Code to save the account into the keychain

We introduced another protocol, KeyValueStoreType that will provide the backing store to this KeyValueAccountProvider. We did this for to allow us to create a mock KeyValueStoreType for our tests and test the behaviour of the KeyValueAccountProvider.

The Keychain is essentially a key-value store anyway, and to create a KeyValueStoreType from our keychain, we can write an extension to ourKeychain class (from KeychainAccess) that will allow us to create our KeyValueAccountProvider with it.

import KeychainAccess

extension Keychain: KeyValueStoreType {

    func setValue(value: String?, for key: String) {
        self[key] = value

    func get(for key: String) -> String {
        return self[key]


You could even add an extenstion to UserDefaults to use as the backing store to our KeyValueAccountProvider, but as we’re storing secret OAuthTokens, the keychain is the right choice for us.

And when we put all of this together, we can instantiate our APIClient with our KeyValueAccountProvider that uses the secure keychain as the backing store!

let keychain = Keychain(service: keychainService)
let keychainAccountProvider = AccountProvider(store: keychain)
let api = APIClient(accountProvider: keychainAccountProvider)

Gotta love that dependency injection! 💉

If we build and run, the app should work exactly like it did before. We’re using the same Keychain keys when loading the Account so we’ll still be logged in. However when running the code in the Today Extension there will be no Account in the AccountProvider as we’re not using a shared keychain.

We can’t simply change the keychain to a shared keychain as that will log every existing user out when they update the app 🤔.

Time for a new AccountProvider

Migrating to a shared keychain

Migrating data is always a pain as the migration code can become unweildy. It also must stay in your app’s code for life.

What we need to do is attempt to read data from one KeyValueAccountProvider, and write data into another. As we defined our AccountProvider protocol we can do something really cool; We can create a new abstract type of AccountProvider that composes multiple AccountProvider’s together, which uses it’s internal AccountProvider’s as it’s backing store. The migration will then happen internally, and it’ll be completely transparent to the outside!

Check out the implementation

final class MigrationAccountProvider: AccountProvider {
    let current: AccountProvider
    let previous: AccountProvider
    public init(current: AccountProvider, previous: AccountProvider) {
        self.current = current
        self.previous = previous
    public var account: Account? {
        get { return self.fetchAccount() }
        set { self.saveAccount(newValue) }

    private func fetchAccount() -> Account? {
        if let account = self.current.account {
            return account

        return self.previous.account

    private func saveAccount(account: Account?) {
        self.current.account = account
        // Clear old data
        self.previous.account = nil

The class is a little bigger than the other KeyValueAccountProvider, but you should be able to understand whats going on. When we read a value, we first query the current AccountProvider, and if the value doesn’t exist we then fallback to the previous (old) AccountProvider.

We should also be good citizens and clean up the previous AccountStore by setting the values as nil after setting them in the current provider. If you’re using something other than a key-value store it may make sense to add a dedicated clear() function to the AccountProvider protocol, but this wasn’t necessary for us.

let keychain = Keychain(service: keychainService)
let sharedKeychain = Keychain(service: keychainService, accessGroup: accessGroup)

let oldKeychainAccountProvider = KeyValueAccountProvider(store: keychain)
let sharedKeychainAccountProvider = KeyValueAccountProvider(store: sharedKeychain)

let accountProvider = MigrationAccountProvider(current: sharedKeychainAccountProvider, previous: oldKeychainAccountProvider)

let api = APIClient(accountProvider: accountProvider)


How cool is that!? 👍

Eventually the account data will be sourced from the current provider, making the migration complete! I’d be tempted to remove the MigrationAccountProvider after six months or so, or whenever you can assume that every active user has used a version that has migrated their data to the shared keychain.

Testing the migration

Writing tests that interface with the iOS keychain is difficult. Writing tests for our KeyValueAccountStore is not. Based on the assumption that our KeyValueType will work (that’s okay, right? - we could write separate tests for it), we want to write some tests for our MigrationAccountProvider to ensure that we read from the correct backing KeyValueType. In our case this will be the Keychain & the shared Keychain.

One of the reason why we created the KeyValueType was so that we can create an object to use instead of the Keychain in our tests.

We can create a simple MockKeyValueStore to inject into our KeyValueAccountStore that uses a dictionary to store data.

class MockKeyValueStore: KeyValueType {

    var dictionary: [AnyHashable: String]

    init(dictionary: [AnyHashable: String]) {
        self.dictionary = dictionary

    func setValue(value: String?, for key: String) {
        self.dictionary[key] = value

    func get(for key: String) -> String {
        return self.dictionary[key]

When writing tests I like to follow the Given, When, Then test layout. I am not very experienced in testing - something I’m working on - and I find it helps when trying to break down the test. First you set up the state (given), then you perform an action (when) and then you test the state (when).


So basically we want to test

func testKeyValueAccountProviderReturnsNoAccountWhenEmpty() {

    // Given
    let dictionary = [String: String]()
    let store = MockKeyValueStore(dictionary: dictionary)
    let accountProvider = KeyValueAccountProvider(store: store)

    // When
    let loadedAccount = accountProvider.account

    // Then

func testKeyValueAccountProviderSavesAccount() {

    // Given
    let dictionary = [
        "account-name": "Will",
        "account-token": "123",
        "account-refresh-token": "456"
        "account-expires-at": "a date"
    let account = accountFromDictionary(dictionary)

    let store = MockKeyValueStore(dictionary: [:])
    let accountProvider = KeyValueAccountProvider(store: store)

    // When
    accountProvider.account = account

    // Then
    XCAssertEqual(dictionary, store.dictionary)

We can test the migration account provider with our MockKeyValueStore by creating a standard dictionary of values, instantiating our KeyValueAccountProvider’s and MigrationAccountProvider, performing an action, and finally asserting that the MockKeyValueStore’s dictionary has been modified in a way that we expect.

Our first MigrationAccountProvider tests that it returns an account from the previousAccountProvider if the currentAccountProvider is empty.

func testMigrationAccountProviderLoadsExistingAccount() {

    // Given
    let dictionary = [
        "account-name": "Will",
        "account-token": "123",
        "account-refresh-token": "456"
        "account-expires-at": "a date"
    let account = accountFromDictionary(dictionary)

    let oldStore = MockKeyValueStore(dictionary: dictionary)
    let newStore = MockKeyValueStore(dictionary: [:])
    let previousAccountProvider = KeyValueAccountProvider(store: oldStore)
    let currentAccountProvider = KeyValueAccountProvider(store: newStore)

    let migrationAccountProvider = MigrationAccountProvider(current: currentAccountProvider, previous: previousAccountProvider)

    // When
    let loadedAccount = migrationAccountProvider.account

    // Then

Our second test ensures that when we write to the MigrationAccountProvider, the account is stored in the currentAccountProvider’s store and the previousAccountProvider’s store is cleared.

func testMigrationAccountProviderSavesToCurrentStore() {

    // Given
    let dictionary = [
        "account-name": "Will",
        "account-token": "123",
        "account-refresh-token": "456"
        "account-expires-at": "a date"
    let emptyDictionary = [AnyHashable: String]()
    let account = accountFromDictionary(dictionary)

    let oldStore = MockKeyValueStore(dictionary: dictionary)
    let newStore = MockKeyValueStore(dictionary: [:])
    let previousAccountProvider = KeyValueAccountProvider(store: oldStore)
    let currentAccountProvider = KeyValueAccountProvider(store: newStore)

    let migrationAccountProvider = MigrationAccountProvider(current: currentAccountProvider, previous: previousAccountProvider)

    // When
    migrationAccountProvider.account = account

    // Then
    XCAssertEqual(dictionary, newStore.dictionary)
    XCAssertEqual(emptyDictionary, oldStore.dictionary) // ensure the previous has been cleared


Well that was a little random, and if you made it to here, well done for following! 🙌

I have been loving protocol based programming in Swift, and was really chuffed with the way this turned out. Protocols allow you to make abstract types that are capable of being composed to come up with some novel solutions to problems, and improve the ability to test your code.

Food for thought: What about a MirrorAccountProvider that uses multiple Providers as its store and keeps them in sync 🤔

So we took a part of an app - a crazy patched-in-singleton-based implementation - and made it easier to reason with, easier to test and managed to perform a keychain migration all without logging people out! Job done 👌

Thanks for reading & have a great day 🙏❤️

If you have any questions about this, I’d love to chat. Hit me up on Twitter @wtsnz