- 🌎 I was born in England, grew up in New Zealand, and now, I live in Canada!
- 🚢 I enjoy shipping great software, learning how to write clean code, and creating great user experiences using Swift (previously Objective-C).
- ✈️ I took about a year off and traveled around Europe and the USA through 2017 - 2018.
- 🎙 I was interviewed for the Swift Coders podcast a while back. You can listen to the podcast for an in-depth history of how I ended up here!
- 🎸 I can loop a few songs on guitar with a loop pedal (inspired by Ed Sheeran)
- ✋ I’ve high-fived Paul Mccartney ✋
I’ve tinkered with computers for as long as I remember and, naturally, that's led me down a path that's gotten me into the tech industry. Over the last decade I've worked at a bunch of great companies and worked on a large variety of projects, products and technologies. I've found a niche developing on Apple platforms in the industry that I thorougly enjoy, and met some great people along the way.
Here's a list of the companies I've worked with:

iOS Developer / 2018 - 2020
After moving to Vancouver, BC, I managed to land a job at an agency that I’ve admired from afar for a while. The people I worked with here were great. I worked on a bunch of projects during my time at MetaLab. It was a very hard decision to leave because of what we worked on, the people and the mindset.

iOS Technical Lead / 2012 - 2017
I joined PaperKite as the first full-time engineering hire. I wore a bunch of hats over the 5 years; I helped build products for our clients, build out the technical team, and over the 5 years, grow from 3 employees to 24. I learned a lot, and I’ll never forget the experience. In terms of iOS projects, I worked on creating around 30 Objective-C & Swift based iOS applications for wide variety of clients and use cases.